Saturday, October 20, 2012

Love light

Профессор однажды в университете задал своим студентам такой вопрос.
Все, что существует, создано Богом?
Один студент смело ответил: “Да, создано Богом”.
создал все? ” спросил профессор.
“Да, сэр”, ответил студент.
Профессор спросил, “Если Бог создал все, значит Бог создал зло, раз оно существует.
И согласно тому принципу, что наши дела определяют нас самих, значит Бог есть
Студент притих, услышав такой ответ. Профессор был очень доволен собой. Он похвалился
студентам, что он еще раз доказал, что вера в Бога это миф.
Другой студент поднял руку и сказал “Могу я задать вам вопрос, профессор? ”
“Конечно”, ответил профессор.
Студент поднялся и спросил “Профессор, холод существует? ”
“Что за вопрос? Конечно, существует. Тебе никогда не было холодно? ”
Студенты засмеялись над вопросом молодого человека. Молодой человек ответил,
- “На самом деле, сэр, холода не существует. В соответствии с законами физики,
то, что мы считаем холодом в действительности является отсутствием тепла. Человек
или предмет можно изучить на предмет того, имеет ли он или передает энергию.
Абсолютный ноль (-460 градусов по  Фарингейту) есть полное отсутствие тепла.
Вся материя становится инертной и неспособной реагировать при этой температуре.
Холода не существует.
Мы создали это слово для описания того, что мы чувствуем при отсутствии тепла.”
Студент продолжил. – “Профессор, темнота существует? ”
Профессор ответил, “Конечно, существует. ”
Студент ответил, “Вы опять неправы, сэр. Темноты также не существует.
Темнота в действительности есть отсутствие света. Мы можем изучить свет, но
не темноту. Мы можем использовать призму Ньютона чтобы разложить белый свет на
множество цветов и изучить различные длины волн каждого цвета. Вы не можете измерить
темноту. Простой луч света может ворваться в мир темноты и осветить его. Как
вы можете узнать насколько темным является какое-либо пространство? Вы измеряете
какое количество света представлено. Не так ли? Темнота это понятие, которое
человек использует чтобы описать что происходит при отсутствии света. ”
В конце концов, молодой человек спросил профессора,
- “Сэр, зло существует? ” На этот раз неуверенно, профессор ответил,
“Конечно, как я уже сказал. Мы видим его каждый день. Жестокость между людьми,
множество преступлений и насилия по всему миру. Эти примеры являются не чем иным
как проявлением зла. ”
На это студент ответил, – “Зла не существует, сэр, или по крайней мере его не
существует для него самого. Зло это просто отсутствие Бога.
Оно похоже на темноту и холод – слово, созданное человеком чтобы описать отсутствие
Бога. Бог не создавал зла. Зло это не вера или любовь, которые существуют как
свет и тепло. Зло это результат отсутствия в сердце человека Божественной любви.
Это вроде холода, который наступает, когда нет тепла, или вроде темноты, которая
наступает, когда нет света.

Профессор сел.
Имя студента было - Альберт Эйнштейн.

Monday, September 3, 2012


She is our first October baby to join our family, she sure is adorable and such a blessing to us from God.  We prayed for her too!  She adds tons of giggles and many fantastic hugs and kisses.

Our little flower, such a princess too!  Definetely a daddy's girl! She loves sparkle and lotions, cute shoes and a purse.  Walks around the house singing.  Aliyana is a girl girl.  She loves kisses and has a jolly spirit. 


Jolina- Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Bright

Aw, our second child, she was born in May. When I was leaving to the hospital there was snow covering the ground; of course I will always remember that Saturday. It was perfect! Our second daughter was born! Well, you all probably heard her at the the park, she was l-o-u-d and full of emotions :) Even at car rides we would need to hold her hand so she wouldn't cry.  People would sigh and proclaim that if she was my first, she would be my only child,lol Nah :) she is my favorite Jolina!  Her middle name is Isabel, which she hates, her aunts sometimes call her Jo-Jo lol

Jolina likes to be sponteneous and bubbly.  She anticipates my next steps and full of love.  She likes gymnastics which she has an advantage in since she is so flexible and energetic.  Loves Jesus with all her heart and such a joy for us!  Jolina is soooo creative and thoughtful, love her!


meaning: dark skinned

Our first piece of heaven, Melana! Long awaited for and anticipated to arrive 02/02/02, well that didn't go well, she is a Miss January. She is ... oooo such a good girl:) Letting me get things done around the house, since she just slept for hours.

Very well taken cared of and loved to pieces by her aunts and uncles too! They would carry her on a feather pillow and watch her breathe.

Melana is admired for her kindness and being such an awesome big sister! She is a bit shy, but what a great friend. Melana draws so pretty and has awesome sport skill; she likes to run, bike, swim and jumprope. Love her!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Working oUt (:o

So started out great on day one, Yay! Found my lost and dusty, proud to say "tried and succeeded" before tapes called Turbo Jam.  The first Cd is twenty minutes, wow feeling great :) drinking like a camel and pumped with energy.  I am pretty sure there was another cd with abs jam, (the whole reason I started working out in the first place) Sure enough my little daughter found it!!

This one is 20 min of just abs workout, 10 minutes standing and 10 min on the floor. Ouch, I was thinking and welping.  I guess I totally need this.  My daughter, Jolina, looks over and exclaims, "Look mom, you look better, lol.  No, not that fast - I know! But I am totally in pain, barely making it up the 16 steps to main level.

Luckily, hubby said I do need to let my muscles rest one day. Huh, I could TOTALLY do that!!

MARCH 24 --DAY 2

So finally got the kids to sleep and stuff cleaned up.  Now its my turn to take care of my new plan of getting rid of that annoying bulge.  So here I go, wish me luck - my hips are still sore from two days ago. Actually I would just love to go sleep right now, but here I go :)

Okay......made it up the stairs, after I got my face off the carpet lol.  I am so tired.

One hour broken into 40 min cardio and 20 min abs workout.  I am not going to lye, its intense.
The instructor is awesome, she is pumped up and energetic which helps me stay on the workout.  Basically it goes like this.  Tailbone tucked in and shoulders back, big rows, kicks, squats. Squeezing the abs and working out the obliques. Definately feeling the BuRN! Wow! She warned me right at the beginning to get a towel and water and to wear a smile, which I could argue about the last part.  Its more like the deer at the light look and go, go, go.... It goes fast.

MARCH 27 -- DAY 3

Wow, love getting the "second wind", too bad its after 30 min of exercise, lol. 
Today, was going something like these, tight stomach and big wheel to the sides - crunch, and say ouch.
Of course jumprope without the rope and kicks, keeping your body low and back straight do front blocks :)
Gotta have fun, or else back to ..... you don't want to know!

Yep, had to take a brake.  Had some stuff that came up.

APRIL 26 ---- DAY 4

Well, this is bad.  I could only do 20 min today. Yikes.  I am getting over a cold though, so not exactly myself.  Still, I don't like this sluggish me.  Not really in the mood to workout too.  I just messed up my hair more than tighten my stomach area.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

When do you feel like God is with YOU?

Please join the Reading the Bible Challenge.  Today is 1 John 3:1-24

This is a good way to stay connected to the Bible. As it says, "Be good, and not evil, that you may live: and so the Lord, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken."  Amos 5:14

What does it mean for God to be with you? Is it when we say our prayer and vividly need our needs met instantly, then we know God is with us? 

Let brainstorm!

God is with me when I am
-  sleeping                                     - unresponsive
-  awake                                       - clingy
-  talking                                       - stressed
- driving                                       - celebrating

- crying                                         - helpless
- with friends                                - helping
- lonely                                         - shy
- sleepy                                         - trapped
- in a hospital                                - going
- at work                                        - speechless
- at church                                      - tragic
- away from family, friends           - me
- lost                                              - blah
- searching                                     - posting a blog
- dizzy                                            - good
- anxious                                        - bad
- winning                                       - happy
- loosing                                        - glad

When do you feel like God is with YOU?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Braces, oi :/

Ah, deja vu.  Really want to forward six months instead of reliving one of my "fixing" events at the orthodontist.  I like the look of perfected teeth, but not the effects of an adjustment.  Those teeth are used to being out of alignment and don't like being "bothered" and pressured to change.  I am sore. I don't like it :(  I took an ibuprofen, and the the girls at the office were all giggles; like that's all? When we are in pain we take like four :/ Really, well that seems like too much.  Alright, I better take one more, but not four and popped another ibuprofen in.  I will keep you posted on my progress.  Maybe doc was right when he thought I would be a whiny mama with braces, I don't know how I will survive six months.

Please vote,

A) Take more ibuprofen, you will be fine
B) Whiny mama, you will be fine
C) Brace your self, you will be fine with out pills
D) Whatever, you will be fine
E) Say a prayer, you will be fine

April 19

Doc gave me my final wire today, ouch.  To me its going toooooo slow. I said, "Dr. Resnick, when can I get them off?" He was just like anytime you want. Grr... I want them off when they are perfect though. I don't like braces at all.  Kissing is not the same with this gizmoz lol

Friday, February 17, 2012

Your Inner Cell

Healing is a choice
We choose to stay
We choose to go
Come to the Lord

To bring our burden to His feet
We bow down to the Mighty King
Creator of the nations
Absolute dictation is in the senses

Feel the power in His healing
Take the strength
Inherit the wisdom
Process the care in the Light

Open your inner self
Inhale it in your cells
Peace I give you
Rejoice, proclaim - His name is Jesus!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Toothy situation

So it was a quiet morning at work.  Naturally intrigued by the atmosphere at work I was once again starring at my mouth wide open. Mirror, mirror, on the wall, how could my teeth look like THAT?

Stoned model of my teeth in my hand I was nervously parading to talk about my situation with my boss.  Leave it to a professional to confirm what I feared :/ Yep, braces will fix them!

Ah, should I get them? In my age, lol.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Jesus

The sun has risen
I feel the scent
I see the ray
I am uplifted


                                                                                 The light of the universe
                                                                                 Is up to You
                                                                                 You are the target
                                                                                 The sunshine of my heart