Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Toothy situation

So it was a quiet morning at work.  Naturally intrigued by the atmosphere at work I was once again starring at my mouth wide open. Mirror, mirror, on the wall, how could my teeth look like THAT?

Stoned model of my teeth in my hand I was nervously parading to talk about my situation with my boss.  Leave it to a professional to confirm what I feared :/ Yep, braces will fix them!

Ah, should I get them? In my age, lol.


  1. I was getting dental work in UA this summer and was also looked at by an orthodontist. She said that if I wanted braces there's nothing wrong with my bite and stuff, and it would only be for cosmetic purposes. I talked it over with my husband (who when we got married, mentioned braces several times), but now it seemed like it wasn't worth going through all that pain and hassle to make my front teeth look a little straighter, since at a first glance for a regular onlooker, my teeth look straight.

    So,the question at hand would be is your correction necessary for the health of your teeth or only for cosmetic purpose? And second question would be, even if your correction would be only for cosmetic purpose, is it going to do such a hugely noticeable correction to the regular eye of the onlooker that you want to go through the ordeal of braces?

    1. It is for cosmetic purpose only Lilya. I am probably the only one that notices those inperfections and co-workers ofcourse, but I do see it several times a day :/ Lets do it together! Come to our office, will fix you up :)

    2. Nah, I decided it wasn't worth it. I am so busy now that I hardly look at myself in the mirror, but when I do, my teeth don't bother me (I think they did at one point in my life, maybe when I was a teen and when little pimples look like a horn to you :p) However, if it is something that bothers you when you look in the mirror, you should go for it - a year or two go by fast and then your teeth will be perfecto to your liking. Plus, you are right there in the middle of teeth in your profession, that is why it makes you notice them so much. It's like when I do my nails, I end up checking other people's out. LOL

    3. Thanks, I went for it. Doc thinks it will be six months. I will keep posting on progress :)

  2. My comment is not about braces :) WELCOME TO BLOGO-LAND, OKSANA!!!

    1. Awe, thanks! Ready or not here I am :) Help!! lol
